Brian Thomas

Licensing: 182062

Brian Thomas was born in Colorado in 1971. He grew up in Macon, Georgia during the heyday of hippies and southern music festivals. His father was a barber, and his mother a teacher. His first job was a presenter at a planetarium in Macon, Georgia where he worked all through high school. He moved to Atlanta in 1995 and took a spot with legendary concert promoters Alex Cooley and Peter Conlon as a live sound engineer. He left for the Hawaiian Islands in 2000 to study Astronomy at The University of Hawaii.

He graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science degree in Astronomy and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Applied Physics from UH in 2005. He worked at Gemini Observatory on The Big Island before moving back to the mainland for graduate school. He attended Purdue University’s school of Aeronautics and Astronautics in 2015 and Embry Riddle Aeronautical University in 2016, obtained a NASA fellowship and today still does seasonal work with NASA as an Analog Scientist.

Brian is currently focused on The Real Estate industry and is a licensed Georgia agent with Robert Slack LLC. He loves what he does and currently lives in Middle Georgia with his two canine companions from Hawaii, Princess and Zeus.

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